There are many ways you can support us. Our charity is run solely on donations and we rely on these for the ongoing kennelling and veterinary fees of the dogs in our care.
GIVE AS YOU LIVE and EVERY CLICK doesn't cost you a penny but earns our charity money every time you shop online
Raise money and attend our annual SPONSORED WALK.

Become a member of The Boxer Rescue Service (Southern) and receive a quarterly newsletter giving news of events, stories of the Boxers rehomed and those waiting for adoption.
It's just £10 per year and these much needed funds go towards the kennelling & veterinary fees of the boxers in our care.
To become a member CLICK HERE to be taken to our shop and buy simply through PayPal. Alternatively you can send a cheque payable to ' BOXER RESUE SERVICE (SOUTHERN) for £10 to:
Mrs B. Hoad, 45 Hawkins Road, Shoreham by the sea, West Sussex, BN43 6TH

When you or your relatives or friends shop online throughout the year you can turn every pound you spend into a charity donation for us at no extra cost to you. With thousands of stores, e.g Argos, Tesco, Sainsburys, B&Q, Autotrader, M&S, John Lewis, Debenhams, Expedia and 4,200+ other retailers participating in partnership with EVERY CLICK
The commission that will be payable to Boxer Rescue Service (Southern) by “everyclick” is generated by your searching / purchasing online. You can turn your on-line searching / purchasing into significant additional cash for your favourite charity, hopefully Boxer Rescue, and it won't cost you a penny. Please use the link above or click on the image to start fund raising & shopping all at the same time. Thank You.
Shop on-line as you normally do at no additional cost to you and collect donations from thousands of stores. You can also download their App and shop via that on your mobile or tablet.
Give As You Live
Why not download 'Give As You Live' to your browser and raise money for Boxer Rescue Southern without even trying.
Here's how:
1.Thousands of stores will donate money to THE BOXER RESCUE SERVICE (SOUTHERN) every time you shop online.
2. DOWNLOAD 'Give as you Live' and you can shop directly at your favourite stores and raise money with every purchase.
3. Validate your account & start shopping
Give as you Live™ lets you raise funds for free as you search the web, shop online and trade on eBay. It is powered by Yahoo, eBay and our shopping partners.

Donations help provide:
£10 would pay for a microchip
£65 would pay for a health check & titer test.
£136 would pay for a dog to be neutered.
£169 would pay for a bitch to be spayed.
In addition to the listed range of veterinary procedures/costs we incur we also have to pay for the boarding & fostering of the dogs whilst they are in our care.
You can donate to us simply via PAYPAL (you don't need a PayPal account).
You can donate via JUST GIVING
Or you can donate by cheque made payable to 'The Boxer Rescue Service (Southern)' & send it to: Mr W Whitehead, Honorary Treasurer, 68 Oakwood Road, Horley, Surrey, RH6 7BX.
Phone: 07749988430
If you are eligible please fill in the
along with your donation.
All such donations will be gratefully received and acknowledged & remember no matter how small the donation it will still go towards helping care for these wonderful dogs & find their forever homes.

Please help us raise funds for our rescued Boxers.
Our Autumn sponsored walk will take place at Widewater Lagoon, West Beach Road, Shoreham by Sea, BN43 5LF on Sunday 6th October. The walk is approximately 3 miles along the level terrain of the seafront.
You will receive a certificate and a beautiful red rosette for your dog! Walkers without dogs are also very welcome.
For further information/sponsorship form please contact Eric on 07500 334991 or ericreed2441@gmail.com


Here is 13 year old Pops on one of our sponsored walks who raised lots of money for Boxer Rescue.