We would like to share with you the exciting news that U.S trainer Jay Jack Coming to the Surrey, Uk for his first workshop.
About Jay:
We started Three Next Level Dogs to help people solve the problems that took us decades to figure out on our own. We have always known we were destined to help dogs, and their people.
We have a unique talent in being supremely patient, fearless, and loving with dogs. We’ve had to be! We’ve had some of the worst. And through years…. decades, of painful trial and error we developed these attributes. Just in the last few years we were able to match our knowledge, and skill to our level of emotion for dogs. And we feel like we’re in a unique position to be able to help you learn and understand.
We’ve rescued, fostered, rehabilitated, and, advocated for dogs since we were kids. Honestly, we love all dogs, regardless of breed. But, we have a special place in our hearts for bullies, and any of the “power” breeds, as they tend to be misunderstood, and mistreated.
I will never give up on these dogs. I will never lose my composure, no matter how hard you think your dog is to handle. Believe me….. We’ve seen it all.
Many of these guys have the potential to be so amazing. They just need people that can handle what they are NOW, to get them to where they COULD BE.
That’s us!
We are uniquely qualified in attributes and experience to help you with your own “Bad” dogs!
-Jay Jack & Amanda Buckner
Click HERE to check out some of their YouTube videos.
The workshop
It is for dog owners, rescuers, fosterers, handlers, walkers and anyone interested in learning more. It's all about using 'play' to build a relationship between you and your dog. The first 2 days of the workshop will give you and your dog the skills to navigate the world we live in safely, whilst keeping it fun for you both. The second 2 days of the workshop are all about fulfilment of your dog. Many dogs are under fulfilled living in the modern world, they were bred for specific jobs and for various reasons we don't need them for those jobs anymore, this often leads to frustration in your dog which will show itself in a variety of ways from pulling on the lead, lunging and showing aggression to dogs and people, barking, digging the garden up, running off and not returning etc etc. So Jay has developed a brand new dog sport called 'GRC DogSport'. It is designed to help you and your dog find fun activities that actually fulfil your dog allowing you and him to have a better relationship that isn't based on what you don't want him to do. You can find out further info by clicking here GRC DogSports it is set to make a big impact in the UK. So for all of us with loveable, goofy boxers this workshop is an ideal opportunity to further develop our relationship and understanding of our dog and take it to the next level so we can enjoy who they truly are. The workshop is suitable for all breeds and all behaviours. For anyone who has re-homed a boxer via 'The Boxer Rescue Southern Service' we are offering a discount. However The charity is in no way linked with the workshop and does not receive any benefits from recommending it. For more info please email Carley: There are limited spaces so be quick to avoid disappointment.
More detailed description of the workshop and venue here